June News

The Summer solstice is almost upon us, reminding us to celebrate the nourishing light of the Sun and the light within each of us. Summer reminds us that there is hope… Continue reading June News

Welcome May

May Newsletter (Metta May!) As soon as I wrote the title Welcome May  the Metta prayer/mantra (metta bhavana) came to mind, used as part of a loving kindness meditation, a popular Buddhist… Continue reading Welcome May

April News

Wishing you sunshine as we welcome April and Spring.  April is named after the Latin word aperire, meaning ‘to open’ make something accessible or removing an obstacle.   It has been a joy to… Continue reading April News

Tiny Tones

Tiny Tones ~ Children’s Sound Meditation Most children are fascinated by the sounds of the various musical instruments I used in my Sound Journeys. At the last family session I… Continue reading Tiny Tones


October… where did you go? from beautiful sunny crisp days, to wind, rain and full on storms but as the saying goes “You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying.… Continue reading Happenings