February 2025

Welcoming February 2025“The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds
and swells the leaves within.”
William C. Bryant.
I hope you have gently flowed into 2025 as we move to February, the shortest month of the year and is said to be the last month of winter. The name February comes for the Latin word, februare, meaning “to make pure. The first Wheel of the Year festival of the calendar year is Imbolc which takes place at the beginning of February, the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Not surprisingly, in Britain Imbolc is often associated with snowdrops as they are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring, and are often seen as a symbol of hope, purity and new beginnings. Like Candlemas, its counterpart in the Christian calendar, it is a festival of light, which celebrates light and the first stirrings of spring. 
A time to pause, notice and welcome the early signs of Spring, the lengthening daylight and the beauty it brings.SO Much gratitude to everyone who joined January’s regular sessions, two collaborations with Georgina, Yin Yoga & Sound & our new session Reclaim your Power.  Plus two beautiful retreats, thank you Chloe, Wild Earth Yoga and Sally Potter – Hypnotherapy & Retreats, lead to a joyful soundful month.
To honour everyone who attends and to give something back to our beautiful earth, I started to plant trees, through www.Ecologi.com   So thrilled that my ‘SoundForest’ is growing, 148 trees added this January – a total of 5736 now planted x Thank you x.    🎶 Monday Monday 🎶
Relaxing into the month at
Modbury Therapy Centre
(first Monday monthly)

Lunchtime Lie Down has moved to join the other sessions on the first Monday of the month in the beautiful Yoga Barn.
 There is will also be opportunity for 1-1 or small private groups often requested, in the afternoon, by arrangement and I’m definitely going to enjoy the 10% discount at the Curator Café, nextdoor, offered to anyone who joins sessions at the centre.Monday 3rd February 12-1pm Lunchtime Lie Down (First Monday Monthly) An invitation to connect with deep stillness and simply be, using different world instruments known for their frequency and vibrational qualities to lead you on a sound journey to a place of relaxation.
 Booking through Ticket Tailor please click on link 
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1119861Monday 3rd February – Modbury Therapy Centre 4.15pm – 5pm
  for a calm, fun session for the children to explore Sound Meditation. Calm breath, relaxing the body interweaving the beautiful sounds of Hand pan, Drum ,Koshi Chimes, Singing Bowls, Gong and Native Flute. These sessions are for children accompanied by their adult to explore sound meditation together. Moments of stillness.(hopefully!)
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1223747Monday 3rd February – Modbury Therapy Centre
Two sessions

(First Monday Monthly)
Sound Journey / Gong Bath to connect to Stillness at Modbury Therapy Centres beautiful Yoga Barn. The perfect way to relax, unwind, let go of any stress or tension and connect to body, mind and spirit. Journey with sounds to a place of deep relaxation and rest. 
Booking through Ticket Tailor – please click on link 
httpsa://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1119922 Friday 7th February  7- 8pm 
Plymouth Wellbeing Centre   

Looking forward to returning to offer a Sound Journey (First Friday monthly) come and be immersed in the beautiful sounds of Handpans,  Drum, Gongs, Singing Bowls and Native Flute, snuggle down, relax and journey to stillness and deep rest ~ a time just for you 
Booking via Ticket Tailor please click link 
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1119441Monday 10th February 6.30-7.30pm
Health Hub Kingsbridge
Reclaim Your Power New collaboration for 2025 
with SelfTherapyGeorgina & Helen Sound Meditation – an exhilarating journey of emotional release and reclamation expect to experience feelings of joy, love, tears, and gratitude. A powerful guided journey inwards of letting go and coming home to your
true authentic self. 
We were so grateful for such positive feedback from our first session, Georgina & I are looking forward to offering this session monthly at The Health Hub Kingsbridge.
10th Feb ~ 24th March ~ 14th April
19th May ~16th June ~ 14th July. 
Please click for Full Details / Booking​
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1538064Wednesday 12th February 5.30-6.30pm
Midweek Pause Sound Meditation
on the Full Moon 
The Health Hub Kingsbridge

Thrilled to be bringing monthly Sound Meditation to the beautiful Health Hub in Kingsbridge.  With the added deliciousness of underfloor heating, I think you are going to love this space. 
Wednesday (second monthly) 5.30 – 6.30pm
Please click for Full Details / Booking
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1394908Wednesday 12th February 7-8pm
The Health Hub Kingsbridge
Yoga & Sound 
collaboration with Georgina Lynch
Stillness through Movement, Meditation & Sound.  Join us for gentle Yin style Yoga accompanied by live Sound Journey, leading to a place of stillness and rest.
Booking through Ticket Tailor please click on link 
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1112476Sunday 16th February 10am – 11am 
Soothing Sunday Sounds at beautiful Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm.  

A time to press pause, to snuggle down under blankets in the beautiful yoga studio and journey with sounds to stillness.  Stay for a cuppa after and who knows an Alpaca may wander over to say hello! 
Booking through Ticket Tailor – please click on link  
Monday 24th February 7/8.30pm
Mindful Book Circle
 (last Monday monthly)
You, Me, Books & Tea at Modbury Therapy Centre 
 Please email for full details / booking
(By donation)
[email protected]Tuesday 25th February 5.30-9pm
Highwell House Churchstow
Sauna, Super & Sounds Evening  organised by Highwell, which included Sauna, ColdDip, Hot Tub, Sound Journey and Supper.
For full details and booking please see Highwell event link 
https://www.tickettailor.com/events/highwellFriday 28th February 7-8pm 
Start Bay Studio – Torcross

Thrilled to be returning, to offer my monthly (last Friday) sound journey / gong bath for relaxation, at the beautiful yoga studio, by the sea.
This lovely, bright, warm studio is fully equipped with mats, bolsters and blankets, to enable you to turn up, settle and let the variety of beautiful global instruments including Handpans, Drums, Gongs Native Flute and Singing bowls lead you to a place of stillness, deep relaxation and rest.  
Booking via Ticket Tailor, please click link
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1118326New Collaboration for 2025​NATURES RHYTHMI am thrilled to be planning collaborations this year with Laura Butt – Environmental Arts Therapist, we are looking forward to co-creating events to connect with natures cycles through creativity and sound.The sessions will give you an opportunity to explore deeper the feelings and connections that may have arisen for you during the sound meditation. You will be guided by Laura to co create with nature, following your intuition and tuning inwards.

There will be a wide range of natural materials for you to use, but you will also be invited to explore outside spaces, to reveal, connect and process, nature’s rhythms.Our first of 2025 Spring Equinox Sunday 23rd March 10-1pm at Modbury Therapy Centre, welcoming the balancing energy of the equinox, as we gather to honour the turning of the wheel this Spring.
Full Details & Booking please see
 Sounds in the Woods 2025
Deer Wood Loddiswell
Looking forward to resuming sessions in beautiful Deer Wood, with a little change, starting in April to September with Full Moon Sound in the Woods connect with nature, your heart and the transformative energy of the Full Moon.April Friday 11th Pink Full Moon 5-7pm
May  Monday 12th Flower Moon 6-8pm
June Tuesday 10th Strawberry Moon 6-8pm
July Thursday 10th Buck Moon 6-8pm
August Friday 9th Sturgeon Moon 6-8pm
September Sunday 7th Harvest Moon 6-8pm
🌕 Details & booking via link for April 
 🌕 Details & booking link May to September 
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1499525DATES FOR YOUR DIARYLooking forward to joining South Devon Sisters for their Spring Day retreat For full details & booking please see https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/south-devon-sisters-blossom-bloom-retreat-tickets-1207457169899Saturday 22nd March 10am – 12
Bittaford Village Hall
Collaboration with Mary & Helen
Join us for the morning, to welcome Spring through connection, creativity & sound.Explore the ElementsNatural Mandala CreationStory, Drink & SnackSound Meditation Befriend the instruments CreativityFull details & Booking
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1546756Saturday 29th March 10am – 12
🎶 TUNE IN TO TUNE OUT 🎶 this  Spring 

Due to the wonderful feedback we received from our Autumn event, we welcome you once again to join us in the beautiful Yoga Barn at Modbury Therapy Centre.
Diane Knight – CBT/REBT & Mindfulness teacher and 
Helen Phillips – Helen’s Sound Meditation.
Full details and booking via Ticket Tailor, please click link
https://buytickets.at/helensoundmeditation/1391731 A beautiful, powerful evening of sound. Collaborating with Olivia – TheYoki Tree, is always a pleasure, we have two dates for 2025 to weaved the Hand Pans and our vast collection of Gongs, creating an immersive Sound Journey.  Sunday 30th March & Sunday 7th December
Booking via 
Saturday 28th June 10am ~ 4pm
Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm
Join us for a divine journey of inspiration and exploration at Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm, surrounded by nature, birdsong and the beautiful calming Alpacas. ㅤConnecting with the elements, your inner Goddess and the alpaca, whose spirit symbolizes peace, inner harmony and gentleness, but also ruggedness, stamina, and tenacity.Collaboration with Mary North-Gatfield, a practising Priestess
(Goddess temple Glastonbury) 
Helen Sound Meditation & Faith Horizon Yoga.

Full Details & Booking 

“The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds
and swells the leaves within.”